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The Blog
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Humanity Seeks A Deeper Connection To Their Spirit | Hayley Zammit Spiritual Teaching Transmission
We may not be conscious of it, but we all want to feel connected to our true essence and spirit.
Hayley Zammit
3 min read

Humanities Evolution Needs Divine Feminine Ways Of Being & Living | Spiritual Teaching Transmission
Global transformation into unity consciousness through heart-centered living
Hayley Zammit
2 min read

Your Unique Transmission | Come From The Heart | Fulfill Your Purpose | You Have Value & Wisdom
A message from my heart to yours - tune into your own inner guidance and innate gifts and passions
Hayley Zammit
1 min read

3 Ways To Stop Sabotaging Your Success And Happiness (How To Get Out Of Your Own Way)
Ever felt like you were responsible for sabotaging your own success and happiness? You knew that something was good for you, but...
Hayley Zammit
4 min read

Motherhood And Spirituality | A Spiritual Foundation Will Support You As A Mother| Spiritual Mothers
How Spirituality Can Help You Thrive During The Transition Into Motherhood And Beyond
Hayley Zammit
5 min read

The Truth About Spiritual Protection And Dark Entities | New Paradigm Teachings For Empowerment
The need or desire for protection ultimately comes from fear, and powerlessness, not from love and sovereign empowerment.
Hayley Zammit
4 min read

Receive Channeled Messages | Channeled Writing Process | Channeling Messages From Spirit and Source
Are you drawn to channeled writing? Want to receive channeled messages from Spirit?
Hayley Zammit
4 min read

Inviting In Support From Spirit and Source | Spiritual Support | Assistance From The Higher Realms
Consciously call in support from Source and your spirit team to help you in your daily life and when you don't know how to get through diffi
Hayley Zammit
3 min read

Levels Of Consciousness In Spirituality | Want To Reach Higher Levels Of Consciousness In Life?
What are higher and lower levels of consciousness? You are awakening to go beyond what you have known...
Hayley Zammit
4 min read

The Present Moment & Taking Inspired Action | Manifestation Through Presence | Conscious Creator
Being in direct experience with life is where your power lies - be in the now and take action from the inspiration you receive
Hayley Zammit
3 min read

The Power Of Unconditional Love and Our Hearts | Your Energetic State | Amplify The High Vibrations
Be a conscious co-creator of Love and experience the happiness and fulfillment that you seek
Hayley Zammit
4 min read

Divine Feminine and Masculine Energies | Honoring Our Soul's Essence | Balancing & Activating
Learn about the divine feminine and masculine energies that exist within us and how to balance them and honor your unique expression
Hayley Zammit
10 min read

The Ascension Journey Of A Human Being |Remembering, Activating & Embodying Our Higher Self on Earth
Our journey of ascension as we expand our consciousness and raise our vibrational state
Hayley Zammit
7 min read

How To Create A Meditation Room In Your Home: Creating A Sacred Space For Your Meditation Practice
Have you made meditation a part of your daily practice and want a dedicated meditation room or spot in your home?
Hayley Zammit
4 min read

What Is A Spiritual Healer? | What Does A Spiritual Healer Do? | How Does Spiritual Healing Work?
Read a transmission from Hayley Zammit that explains the role of a spiritual healer and spiritual healing beautifully...
Hayley Zammit
6 min read

What Does It Mean To Have Energetic and Emotional Mastery? | Be Empowered In Your State Of Being
Energetic and emotional mastery is being able to be conscious and aware of your current state and being able to choose what you are...
Hayley Zammit
5 min read

Am I Going Through A Spiritual Awakening? | Is There More To Life? | Who Am I Really?
There comes a time in our life when we start asking bigger questions such as “why am I here?” and “what is the point of life?"
Hayley Zammit
5 min read

Divine Grace: What Is Grace? How Can Grace Serve Us? How Can I Experience More Grace In My Life?
Do you want to learn: What is divine grace? How can grace serve us in our life? And more
How can we experience grace in our lives?
Hayley Zammit
1 min read

3 Reasons Why You Should Consciously Invite In Your Higher Self Consciousness | A Daily Practice
What state of consciousness are you operating from ? A higher dimensional one or from your ego/limited human awareness?
Hayley Zammit
3 min read

4 Ways To Consciously Tune Into Your Heart | Live From A Heart Centered Place | Alchemy Of The Heart
Here are 4 tools to assist you in tuning into your heart - the place of so much wisdom and power!
Hayley Zammit
4 min read
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