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20 - 30 Minute Guided Meditation Scripts | Royalty-Free | Pre-Written | For Groups or Individuals

Writer: Hayley ZammitHayley Zammit

Instant Download guided meditation scripts for you to use for personal or business use

Are you looking for a 20-30 minute guided meditation script that is royalty-free to use for personal or business use? Want to use them in an individual session or in a group setting?

Guided meditation scripts that are 20 minutes to 30 minutes long are a great length to allow the listener to drop into a deeper state, to spend more time in the presence, and to really allow their true essence to be felt and known by them.

In this blog, I will share with you why a 20 minute or 30 minute guided meditation is a great length of time to meditate for and show you some PDF pre-written royalty-free meditation scripts to check out!

30 minute meditation script

How Long Should I Meditate For? Is 20 - 30 Minutes Good?

This is a common question, so let's unpack this question a bit further...

What's Your Situation?

Firstly, creating space to meditate for ANY amount of time is absolutely fantastic! There is no one size fits all timeframe that you must do in order for you to benefit from meditation and we all have our own unique schedules to work with.

For example, if you are a new mum with a baby and only have 10 minutes in between feeding the baby and lying her down for a sleep before she wakes up and you have got a nappy to change - work with it.

Having 1 hour to have space just for you to go within and do a meditation may not be a possibility for you right now. Be okay with that and embrace the time and space you do have. You may need to be creative and it may change from day to day and that's just fine. There are no rules!

Another person may decide to set their alarm 30 minutes earlier in the morning and make that the time and space where you meditate or you may prefer doing it at night before bed. How long you give yourself and when you do it is totally up to you. Can't see yourself waking up 30 minutes earlier but think you can manage 10 minutes right now? Cool!

Either way, it is ultimately up to us to create the space and make our meditation practice a priority if it is. If it's not a priority at this stage in your life, that's okay, it's always there for you to choose to do if you want to.

Are You A Beginner Or An Advanced Meditator?

Depending if you are a beginner meditator or an advanced meditator, it may take different lengths of time to come into a place of inner stillness and drop into the present moment. You may be someone who feels like you always have thoughts going around in your head, or you may find you can quiet your mind or find a sense of inner stillness just by taking a few breaths.

Let me get one thing clear - it's not the length of the meditation that is important, it's about how effective it is. Someone could meditate for 10 minutes and have a deeply transformative experience while another person could do a 40 minute meditation and still be preoccupied with negative thoughts and be in resistance to allowing themselves to surrender into the meditation.

So, to answer your question about if 20 - 30 minutes is a good amount of time to meditate for....the answer is yes!

In general, that gives you time to tune inwards, relax your body and mind, become present, and feel the effects of the meditation, which may include:

  • Feeling calm, peaceful, or even compassionate, loving, and blissful, therefore experiencing reduced stress, anxiety, pain, and more

  • Being conscious and aware in the present moment rather than feeling stuck in thoughts, memories, or regrets of the past or being so focussed on the future and missing the now moment

  • Relax the nervous system and other bodily systems so you come out of flight/fight/freeze response and into a state of rest and digest and allow your body to be in a state where healing can occur

  • Shift into an expanded state of consciousness so you are not solely identified with your ego/trauma/limited human awareness and instead are open to seeing life and yourself through a new perspective. Your mind feels more still and spacious and open to new possibilities rather than being loud, busy, and fixed in old beleifs, thoughts etc

  • + more!

Of course, it depends what type of meditation you are doing too and your intention for it.

How many words are in a 20 - 30 minute meditation?

The duration of a guided meditation script can vary due to the person reading the script. One person may speak slowly and pause in between the guided prompts or sentences. Whereas another person may read the script continuously just like they would a book, therefore making the same script much shorter in length.

Someone may also allow a period of say, 10 minutes in silence during the middle or end of the guided meditation to allow the listener to tune in and just be, without any speaking.

So saying that, in my opinion, and experience, reading a 1000 word meditation script takes around 20 minutes and a 30 minute meditation script would be around 1500 words, if spoken slowly, mindfully, and includes pauses. But know, this CAN vary.

What PDF Pre-Written Royalty-Free Guided Meditation Scripts Can I Check Out?

Feel free to join my Guided Meditation Script Subscription service for a library full of meditation scripts (varied lengths & topics) or check out individual scripts focussed on your intention.

For more pre-written royalty-free guided meditation scripts, check out the collection here

If you did want a custom guided meditation script written due to the script needing to suit a certain person, group, or intention, then you can purchase a single custom meditation script or a 5 x pack of 1000 word custom meditation scripts, 2000 word custom meditation scripts or 3000 word custom meditation scripts.

You can grab my FREE Meditation Script Bundle here

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