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3 Reasons Why You Should Consciously Invite In Your Higher Self Consciousness | A Daily Practice

Writer's picture: Hayley ZammitHayley Zammit

What state of consciousness are you operating from ? A higher dimensional one or from your ego/limited human awareness? The choice is yours.

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Invite in your higher self consciousness to permeate your awareness throughout the day! Integrate this higher dimensional consciousness with your human awareness so the ego doesn't run the show and sabotage your spiritual growth and evolution.

It's important to honor both/all aspects of us and get them to work in harmony or alchemize into a higher state. You can do this during your morning practice, as your heading to work, before you get up out of bed, before you eat your brekkie, as you pray etc (anytime really!) take a moment in stillness and use your pure intent to let the consciousness of your higher self take the lead.

In this blog, let's explore 3 reasons why you should consciously invite in your higher self consciousness!

invite in your higher self consciousness

Top 3 Reasons Why Inviting In The Consciousness Of Your Higher Self Is A Good Idea

1. Reduce the suffering and resistance that you experience in life

Your higher self consciousness / higher dimensional self holds a higher perspective and knows the truth of who you are at all times. It knows that you are eternally free, divine, loving, and more. Our limited human awareness and ego can be stuck in illusions and limiting beliefs, thoughts, lower vibrational states etc. and we can feel like a victim, powerless and disconnected.

Your higher self consciousness does not believe in the doubt, fear and scarcity. It sees through eyes of potentional, possibility, creativity, love and compassion. Consciously choose to draw in this stream of consciousness and state of being and perceive through the eyes of your higher self to experience the higher vibrations, to the gifts in every experience, to have loving thoughts and ultimately know the truth of who you are.

Your higher self does not stay stuck in suffering, it alchemizes it and rises above it as it bring integration and healing to that which is not in harmony. Its only the ego and limited human awareness that is in resistance to what is, therefore causing prolonged suffering in the human expereince.

2. Receive clear guidance and support

When you invite in your higher self to take the lead, you will know what is best for you do, say, go to, act upon etc. You will have a sense of clarity and inner knowing rather than feeling unsure, confused and frustrated. You will feel supported by Source and spirit in every moment knowing they are with you always and are wanting to help you for your highest good whether that be with the "big" things or in the "small" everyday things.

Your higher self consciousness will ultimately allow you to receive your own inner guidance more clearly and be more in tune with your intuition, thus being able to live with more empowerment, flow and grace.

3. To live your purpose with more ease

The more you consciously integrate your human awareness with your divine higher self consciousness (as well as your mind with your heart), you become more of your higher self embodied on the earth. You came here to be you, that means embracing who you truly are and expressing and embodying your souls essence here in this lifetime.

By allowing your higher self consciousness to lead, you don't let the limitations of past trauma, old programs and conditioning and unhelpful beliefs and thoughts hold you back fro being who you truly are and following the calling of your heart to be of divine service in your unique way in the world.

Great, so how do I begin to do this?

There is no one way or one right way to do this! I encourage you to invite in your own higher self consciousness in whatever way feels good to you.

Here are some ways that may be helpful:

higher self consciousness

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