Allow Transformation By Expanding Into More Of Who You Truly Are | Spiritual Perspective
Allow your consciousness to expand and awaken and remember your true self
I often use the words remembrance and awakening and there is a reason for that. So often when people want to change and transform they think they have to become something or be someone different. When really, what transformation and growth is all about is expanding into who you already are and discovering more of who you are. There's an awakening and remembrance of more of who you truly are. So, instead of this fixed view, this fixed identity, it becomes more expanded and multifaceted.
Everything in life wants to evolve and shift naturally. So it is not so much about how are we going to make this happen or how are we going to do it, it's like, can we surrender into the unfoldment of it, can we allow it to happen through our co-creation? What inspiration are you receiving and are you taking that action? Allow yourself to be present with what is already here, beyond physicality perhaps with something more energetic or spiritual in nature. Allow yourself to expand your consciousness and that is how transformation is going to occur. That is how you will realize it. You become the embodiment of it. You allow your authentic self, the many parts of the self, to come forward and be expressed and embodied by you, so you are that whole, integrated being more and more as more things come into your awareness.