Channel Your Creative Power | Channeling Your Creative Life Force Energy And Bringing Through Authentic Creations From Your Soul
You are a natural creative being, experience the creative potential that is within you
Creativity comes naturally when we are open and connected to both our humanity and divinity. Our human embodiment can ground the creative life force and higher consciousness of our soul so that a physical or tangible thing can be brought through, experienced, and shared.
We are all innately creative beings, some of us just haven't allowed ourselves to discover what it is that wants to come through our channel. We may have put limitations or expectations on what we want to create or perhaps our fears and beliefs keep us from feeling safe and happy to create. There may not be one way you creatively express and share your authentic self and gifts through, you may have many different abilities and talents that allow you to tap into the flow state and enjoy the experience of creating. Sounds fun huh?!
Keep reading to learn more about being a clear channel for creative energy, the difference between creating from a soul vs ego, and discover some guided practices to support you in your creative process.
Why & How To Be A Clear Channel For Creative Energy & Higher Consciousness
Why be in the flow of inspiration, of your creative life force, in a state of expanded consciousness? Because it will be more joyful, easy, fun, flowy, authentic, divine, energetically powerful, and filled with grace. Not to mention that we were created to be in communion with our soul, with God, and with spiritual guides that wish to aid us in our human experience and bring authentic creations and expressions of our unique energetic signature here to earth.
We are all channels for our higher self consciousness, for the holy spirit to pour through and from that we can affect ourselves and others. We make this possible when we can more and more integrate the mind with the heart, to be in stillness and presence where we can be open and receptive to what is coming to us and allow it to flow through.
The more we let go of control, judgments, and expectations the more we can expand our consciousness and raise our vibration to welcome new creative possibilities and potentials to be brought to us and through us. How that looks will be unique to us - but whatever loving, innovative, wise, moving, healing piece of art, writing, design, or creation is brought into this world through you, you are sure to bless and touch the hearts of those who receive it. It will not only be perhaps a tangible, physical thing that you are a co-creator of, but it will be a beautiful offering and gift to the world that may have the potential to bring more beauty, love, courage, compassion, and more into the world and perhaps awaken others to their creative power, and authentic self.
Creating From Soul Vs Ego
Stay open to what wants to come through you, rather than what you want to come through you.
There is a difference between creating from a place of control and limitation and that of surrender, allowance, and expansion. You either let God and your life force energy flow through you bring forth creations that come from a soul level, or you create from the limited human awareness that is making things based on what it has already seen, known, and expects.
Are you regurgitating creations that you think will be popular or make you money compared to what you are deeply called to bring through or what seems to be a joyful, natural way of creating through your open heart? Does what you are creating feel authentic and like an offering and extension from who you truly are? Is it coming from a place of love and service or from fear and lack and need?
Guided Practices To Support Your Creative Process
This 35-minute guided meditation will support you in channeling your creativity. Allow your kundalini life force energy to flow through you and activate your chakras so that you are in an optimal state to be a channel for creative energy to flow through. Get into a flow state and create from a place of joy and ease. The background music by Chris Collins contains various binaural beats so it is recommended that you listen with headphones.
if you specifically want to do channeled writing then you can listen to this track Channel messages from your spirit guides or your higher self. There are 20 minutes during the meditation where you will have time to channel and write without any talking or guidance. You will need a pen and paper for this.
Want a guided meditation script to read to guide you through the process? Here you can find a royalty-free meditation script PDF download that you can print off or keep on your computer when you want some support tapping into your soul’s creative life force energy and getting into the flow state.
If you feel as though you have resistance to your creativity, self-expression, or anything at all, this short course can support you and offer a more spiritual perspective to the resistance you may be experiencing.