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Have Compassion For Yourself On This Ascension Journey - The Pleiadian Council Of Nine

Writer: Hayley ZammitHayley Zammit

Have Compassion For Yourself On This Ascension Journey

Taking one step forward and one step back, this is what life can feel like. You soar ahead and then you hit a wall and feel like you are going backwards. No dear ones, as you ascend into higher dimensions you must trust the process, the process is not linear but circular and cyclical. The Earth experiment was not about following one linear path and excelling at everything that came your way! No, it was about learning, growing and expanding on all levels. There will come a time where you will look back and see all your progress, see how far you have come and how grateful you are for all the perceived barriers and obstacles and you can now recognize how it helped you become that person that you are now.

The more you can accept and honor what is coming up in your reality you can move through it with more ease and grace as you surrender to the unknown and see the lessons and hidden gifts that are always there within every situation. They key here is to trust and expand your conscious awareness to remove the box or limitations you put on yourself, on others or on the experiences that come your way. This is all but a game of remembering who you really are and remembering the powerful creator energy and abilities you have. As you step forward in the direction of your heart you will be guided and supported. It’s about going within and trusting your hearts calling even when the logical mind wants to come in and give you reasons not to, to keep you safe and in that survival mode. We know this is not easy for it requires courage and faith to take those leaps but we guarantee you will not be disappointed.

It’s to use the heart and the mind integrated as one to make aligned decisions and actions, to gather up the energies and creative flow that wants to be expressed and also experienced by you. Now is the time to trust your inner calling. As fears and doubts arise connect back into your heart and breathe and give yourself permission to be human and to experience these triggers and natural responses that occur as this is all part of it, that is why having compassion and unconditional love for yourself is key.

- The Pleiadian Council of Nine channeled by Hayley Zammit

Read The Book

Want to read more channeled messages from the Pleiadian Council of Nine?

You can buy the book Raising Up Into The Higher Dimensions: Channeled Messages From The Pleiadian Council of Nine on Amazon. Available in paperback and kindle.

What the readers say...

"What a fantastic book! I've read many channeled books, but this was one of the best by far! Usually I highlight certain key things that resonate with me, but with this book I've highlighted almost the entire thing! It really helped me with some decisions I need to make regarding quitting my 3D toxic job. Thank you Hayley! Please keep more books coming - I love the Pleiadian Council Of Nine!"

" I read this book one page per day (as are the messages written). I found each message valuable in understanding my own purpose here, so much resonated with me and how I can assist myself and others raise up to a higher level of consciousness. These messages are so important at this time. Thank you Hayley for writing these messages they have indeed enlightened my journey."

" Wow. Legit read the whole book in one sitting. I couldn't nor didn't want to put it down. I received sooo many golden nuggets and insights from these messages and will definitely be revisiting this book on the daily. This book has honestly come at the most perfect time for me, as I'm currently going through a huge transition and upgrade in my own self- awareness and consciousness. Thank you so much Hayley for sharing your gifts with me and the world. I feel so supported and encouraged to keep being me, to lean into the unknown , to trust myself , to believe I can and I am becoming the best version of me yet all while living my purpose to help others do the same".

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Are The Pleiadians?

The Pleiadians are a group of beings (both physical and non-physical) that come from the Pleiades star system. They are a race or species that have gone through their own ascension journey and wish to help humanity at this time as we go through our own awakening and ascension journey. They are essentially like humanities grandparents!

What Is A Channeled Message?

A channeled message is a message that has come through from another stream of consciousness. A channeler will share the message through talking, writing or another form. Ideally the channeled message comes from a higher state of consciousness that is loving and wise such as your higher self, an angel, an ascended master, a star being or collective, council or group that wishes to come through and share insights with humanity or a particular person.

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