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The Great White Brotherhood Message & Energetic Transmission | Ascended Masters

Writer: Hayley ZammitHayley Zammit

Hayley Zammit - Spiritual Channeler

On the 11th/12th December 2022, I held a LIVE 30min Source Transmissions Class. Thank you for the 76 souls who joined me live!

Watch the live class, including the channeled message and energetic transmission on my YouTube channel!

Don't want to watch the video or receive the energy work? No worries! You can read the channeled message below

" Many of you are aware that there on your planet there are portals to harness, gateways to attune to, and activate within your bodies and on the earth. And this is a great time for you all to encourage that process, to be guided inwards or perhaps outwards on your planet, and discover what gifts there are for you, that lay within your earth and within your own energetic system.
Dear ones, this is a time for you all to expand into great heights through the raising of your frequency, through the expansion of your consciousness, and to discover the master within. To discover who it is that you came here to be, through your pre-birth intentions, through the will of Source/God. It is a time of remembrance, of the knowing of who you are and your mission here.
Equally so, it is important that you do not get all caught up in that, and you truly live as a human embodied on the earth. Immersing yourself in all that this planet has to offer. All the experiences, all the joys, and the fun. We know that some of you lightworkers and wayshowers can get caught up in the seriousness of it all, and we have come through to remind you and invite you into the lightness of it as well. Take any pressure off your shoulders, know it is not necessary but we thank you for your concern and for your leadership, for your ability to remember who you are and to show the way. For this is needed at this time and there is no mistake that you are here at this pivotal time on the earth.
So dear ones, we ask each and every one of you, to tap into your inner guidance, to follow your heart at this time, and utilize the non-physical support that is here for you, all around you and within you. Know you cannot get it wrong. Enjoy life in all its flavors and colors, for that is where the gold lies. And the more that you remember who you truly are, you will come into a sense of flow and grace, knowing all is well, knowing you are guided and that the stark contrast is not needed anymore. You already know what is unwanted and what you desire. The contrast dear ones does not need to be so great as you raise up into the higher dimensions.
So alas, from that place as you move forward you will go will the flow as you say. You will surrender to your heart and the path before you to be of divine service through your energy, actions, frequency, and how you serve and impact others. This is a great game and we know that it may catch you by surprise, and it may take you in circles sometimes, but all is well. You have the anchor point of your body, of your heart, of your breath, of the moment, always. And that is all it takes dear ones. Hold your head high and know who you are, and we thank you for being here at this time. We are The Great White Brotherhood. ".

Want to join me for another LIVE Source Transmission Class or another event?

Here is a link to my Insight Timer profile where if I have events scheduled you will be able to see and join! You will only see my screen and you can write in the chat. You will not be on video. You can also listen to my meditations and join my courses on the platform, if you wish.

the great white brotherhood channeled message

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