The Truth Of Love | Know And Experience The Love That We Are At Our Essence | See Through The Eyes Of God And Embrace Your Divinity
A loving spiritual teaching with Hayley Zammit
We All Want To See Love And Be Love
In life, all we are really asking for is love. To see true reality clearly, through the Christ Light / Unity Consciousness / our Higher Self. To see ourselves as Love, to see others as Love, and to see true reality for what it is, as Love. We can look around and perceive so much, we can have our own judgments and be caught up in the ego and thoughts. So what we are doing in life as we go along our ascension journey and what we want to be conscious of, is the truth of Love. The truth of who we are. We want to awaken to who we truly are, to our divinity, to the emanation of God that we are. And we can look out on others, we can look at situations in the world and look at our experiences and we can see them as gifts, as opportunities for us to see them as Love, as loving invitations to expand into higher consciousness. To see all as an aspect of us, as an aspect of Source/God, as the many unique fractals of the One Love.
Prayer Is Communing With And Being Grateful For Divine Love
When we pray with true prayer, we are giving thanks for Love. We are not asking for anything but we are being present with the Love that we are. And when we do that, we bless ourselves and everything. When we come down to the core of it, to our ascension journey, to our human journey, is how aware can I be, how conscious can I be, how awake in this present moment can I be to who I truly am and to the Love that is here. Can I be aware of the stories, of the mental chatter, of the programming and conditioning, and can I rest in true presence with my own divinity? Can I sit here in my own light, in my own love and can I see through the eyes of God / Source / the Holy Spirit / the eyes of the higher self, the whole, loving, accepting part of me. Can I rest here in this Love and be the Love that I am?
Integrating Our Divinity In Our Human Experience
This human journey is all about allowing that unfolding of our human conditioning and integrating it with our divinity. We came here to be human but that does not mean we need to discard our true self, our divine nature. We came here as divine beings to be on this human journey to perceive separation. From a human level we feel separate from all that is however our divine self recognizes the illusion that it is. We know we are not the body, we are Spirit, the consciousness, the awareness that lives not only in the body, but everywhere. We are an aspect of the God force.
Perfection In The Process Of Remembering Of Divine Love
We are being invited to rest in the knowing of who we are, of life and the perfection of it, the perfection of the game we came to play in this human journey. To have compassion with ourselves as we are awakening and going through initiations that are calling us forward into this higher knowing. We may not act from that place of Love and from that divine part of us all the time because it may take some practice and us being in alignment with our divinity and aligning this conscious human will of ours with God, with that higher divine will that chose to come into this lifetime.
Drop Into The Heart And Your Natural Qualities
So it is a daily practice, of coming into our hearts, because thats really the first place we need to be in order to align with that divine part of us. Our heart center is so powerful. That's where we can be open and receptive to the love that we are and to the essence of all beings and all of life. We have like this connection point from within our hearts to all. And it's like ahh yes, I know what I am and I know what you are and these may be the roles we are playing in this lifetime but I see you for the truth of what you are. Thank you for being in my life and blessing me just by existing as your authentic self and may I touch your heart the way you touch mine.
Bring back that sacredness of life, of this journey, of all things. Tuning into our intuition will help us get in touch with that which is truly here beyond the mind chatter and stories. Drop into the body, use your senses, feel, and know. More and more you will be experiencing the Love that you are and all the divine qualities of God and your soul. Those natural qualities that reside deep within you, and you can radiate them outwards more and more. In those peaceful times where you can be present and you are living life like it's a prayer, like it's a blessing, and in those moments where it may feel hard and sticky and you may need a moment to center yourself before you respond to life. You give yourself that compassion and nurturing.
Awakening To The Divine Love Of God And You
So tune into the Love that you are. Take a moment each day to create space even for 1 minute. Take a breath, ahhh this is who I am. I know who I am beyond appearances, beyond any pain or emotions that may be arising in the moment, beyond any thoughts. What's beyond all of that? What is aware of all those things? So if you desire to do so, to know yourself, if you have been triggered into this awakening, you feel there is more to life that you have been experiencing and that there is more to you, then there is. Go on that inner journey, there is no rush here. Moment by moment, with a genuine and sincere heart. You may first ask, God if you really exist then show me? And once you start receiving communication, communion with that connection with God, and with your own divinity that you thought had left or you thought you were separated from, and you awaken to the remembrance that you have always been connected. Let your journey unfold from there.
How Much More Love Cam I Be, See And Give?
Life is all about how much more Love can I be, can I allow to radiate from me? How much more Love can I give? How much more Love can I see in that other person? And not just within your friends and loved ones, but in those you may deem "bad" or you believe they have done you wrong, how much Love can you see in them? Beyond all their actions, their appearance, and all that they have done. Can you see the spark of God within them? Do you see the reflection of your own divinity within them? Do you see them as a part of you? Do you see them for the truth of who they are?
Much Love,